


A. No. EVs pose no greater risk of catching fire than gas-powered vehicles. 事实是, EVs are less dangerous regarding fire risk than gasoline-powered cars, according to the most conclusive and recent report by the 国家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA).


A. 是的, 如果你在家里或公司有太阳能光伏, plugging in and charging up with solar power makes perfect sense.

A. No. The existing electric grid’s off-peak capacity for power generation is sufficient to power 73 percent of commutes to and from work by cars, 轻型卡车, 运动型多功能车, 还有货车,不用建一个新的发电厂, 根据美国.S. 能源部. The existing nighttime electricity could also be stored in plug-in vehicles and later retrieved through vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology for use on the grid. 虽然这项技术仍在发展中, some existing EV models are already capable of exporting energy to power jobsites, 电器, 甚至整个房子.  美国.S. power grid is also getting cleaner every year as affordable renewable energy continues to replace coal plants.

A. While EV batteries can be recycled for their raw materials, 它们的直接再利用市场正在迅速增长, 消除了回收的需要. Used EV batteries can potentially provide valuable services to the electric grid. A battery considered too degraded for electric vehicle use still has about 75 percent to 80 percent capacity and can be used for home energy storage or energy storage applications and grid support.

If reuse is not an option for a particular battery, most components can be recycled. 锂, 锂离子电池中最丰富的材料, is in high demand for laptops and phones and other electronic goods, 而且,再生锂的强劲市场已经存在.

A. Most 锂-Ion batteries in EVs are warranted for at least 8 years and 100,000英里, 但它们可以持续更长时间, 取决于驾驶和充电习惯, 长达10-15年或更长时间. Some electric car batteries on the road today can already last well over 200,000英里, according to Coltura.

电池 degradation is a natural process in any battery, including those that power vehicles. Degradation permanently reduces the amount of energy a battery can store, 或者它能提供的能量. The batteries in EVs can generally deliver more power than the powertrain components can handle, so degradation is rarely observable in the driving performance of EVs, 但它会影响储存能量的多少, 直接影响范围.

When the time comes to replace an EV battery, it will likely be less expensive than it is today. 电池成本正在下降十大国际老虎机平台预计这一趋势将继续下去.


A. DC fast charging is slightly more taxing on an EV battery than level 1 (120-Volt) or level 2 (240-Volt). While all batteries experience some degradation over time, using DC fast charging in moderation is unlikely to have noticeable negative effects on your battery.

A. The cost to charge an electric car is significantly less than refueling a gas-powered car. While the average cost is about 1/3 that of gasoline, check out our 储蓄计算器 你自己看吧.

A. Charge the battery at a slower rate whenever possible (charge more at home, less at high-voltage public chargers; it usually also costs less.) Don’t fully charge the battery unless you’ve got a long trip the next day; stop at 80 percent to 90 percent. 不要让电池电量耗尽太多.


A. 绝对! Just like you would with a gasoline-powered vehicle, pay for an independent inspection. 电动汽车, you’ll want to fully charge the battery and have a certified mechanic check for its battery capacity percentage versus capacity when new. 这似乎是一个慷慨的电池保修, 8岁零100岁,000英里, is required by the federal government and is transferable as the vehicle changes owners.

A. EVs require less maintenance than conventional cars or hybrids. Electric vehicles operate with fewer moving parts than conventional vehicles. 除了轮胎旋转和挡风玻璃清洗液, 电动汽车司机不需要担心换油, 传输流体, 或者内燃机(ICE)上的所有传送带. Regenerative braking also reduces wear and tear on electric vehicle brakes.


5 things to know about when you switch your fleet to electric.




A vehicle with an engine designed to run on a fuel other than gasoline or diesel.

电池 电动汽车(贝芙):
一种完全没有内燃机的电动汽车.  而不是, it relies solely on a battery system and must be plugged into a charging source to replenish the charge.

A vehicle that is propelled by a motor powered by electrical energy from rechargeable batteries or another source onboard the vehicle. This broad category includes all types of electric vehicles.

The “charging” equipment used to maintain a charge on EV battery systems.

An EV that combines an internal combustion engine with an electric propulsion system. The charge on the batteries is maintained through the normal operation of the engine.

An HEV that incorporates a separate battery system where the charge is maintained by plugging into an external power source (such as a standard electrical outlet).
